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Learn The Basics of Pay Per Click Marketing and
Why You Should Invest In It!

What is PPC management?

PPC stands for Pay Per Click. It Is mostly about having instant outcomes, clicks, and visitors to your website who use your targeted keywords on search engines. When you set up your PPC campaign it is a matter of minutes for users to start visiting your website, depending on how much you are willing to pay per click.

Keyword analysis and Monitoring

We closely monitor the keywords/inquiries that are most often used by your targeted customers or later your leads. Then, we identify and target the precise keywords. Our team monitors the overall ROI so it can be a reference to decide the budget and expense of ad buys.

Channel strategy

After studying your business and your market along with your competitor analysis, we decide the best channel for your PPC marketing whether it is Google AdWords, social media ads, or whatever channel suits your brand from many different other channels.

Competitive analysis

We keep an open eye on your competitors' strategies and online actions. Eventually, we make sure your brand is always one step ahead of your competitors. For instance, determining whether to bid directly on the same doubts of your competitors' customers or targeting another issue that your competitor is ignorant about "competitive-gap".

Negative match

We filter out customers who will match a level that makes them unlikely to convert. Based on your business needs, we know when to limit your ads to customers in the top 10% of wages and when to limit your ads within close geographical areas.

A/B Testing

We perform A/B testing regularly as it is one of the most powerful techniques for optimizing PPC ROI. Lots of display variables like text, graphics can be used to obtain the most useful method for your PPC marketing.

Why you should hire Websiteey
as your PPC Management Company?

While some businesses may hesitate when it comes to paying for hiring a Pay Per Click management company, in most cases, the PPC management company will increase your efficiency.
Most companies suffer from paying a high budget amount for PPC but without generating the desired ROI. That’s when we step in!

Websiteey is considered the best PPC management company in Egypt as we have significant expertise in PPC management services. Websiteey’s PPC agency specialists will build, and optimize your paid campaigns to guarantee that your business is always growing. Our team works on paid search advertising, Google Display advertising, we provide landing page design and conversion rate optimization and we also have professionals in YouTube advertising.
Websiteey has as well many industry contacts and authorized connections to existing advertising platforms. Websiteey has consistently achieved highly profitable results for customers in many industries including B2B Services, e-commerce, SaaS, and many more.

Harness the Full Power of AdWords with Websiteey Digital agency
Contact us today for a free consultation

PPC Marketing Professionals
That Will Help you Achieve your Goals

Landing Page and Conversion Rate Optimization

Websiteey’s experts in the development and design team will work with you to build landing pages that are engaging and on-brand. Then we do our regular A/B tests on different creative factors to make sure that your landing pages are always driving good results.

Paid Social Media Advertising

Websiteey’s paid social media advertising team will build you highly-targeted and strategic audiences. We will help you promote your services only to the leads who will make the buying decision, making sure that you get the highest numbers of sales and of course increase the ROI.

Display Advertising

Websiteey’s designers will create engaging and professional display ads with creative copies along with landing pages so we can drive conversions for your business.

Retargeting campaigns

Our team provides professional retargeting campaigns to reach interested users who have visited your website earlier without performing the conversion process. This process of retargeting campaigns will ensure that you are always generating new sales.

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